Arondita - Whose Coy Fae Mistress?
Arondita - Whose Coy Fae Mistress?
Arondita, younger daughter of Adarillia, Queen of Gorlewyn, has always been a tremendous flirt. As a human-raised babe she won every "beauteous baby" competition in the land thanks to her enticing green eyes; as an adolescent faerie princess she laid waste to the heart of dragoons by the legion. Now she is strategically betrothed to the 746-year-old ruler of a distant realm but has no great wish to disappear into the mists with such a middle-aged bore...
Hence this very evening, at the Winter Ball, she has decided to take (gasp!) a lover. But whom shall it be?
17 1/2"(44cm) from top of hair to tip of toe, with a wingspan of 7"(17cm), handsewn Arondita is entirely made from recycled materials including a gown of vintage black lace with an ivory silk sash, & silk bloomers. Her wings are made of brass wire dipped in resin.